Revealing Fundamentals and navigating towards a Brighter Future

Introduction to ALP Astrology

Welcome to the fascinating world of ALP Astrology

ALP is known as Akshaya Lagna Paddhati or Age Lagna Paddhati.

ALP Astrology invites you to explore the rich reservoir of traditional astrological wisdom, empowering you to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos and gain a profound insight into your inner self, life's journey, and the surrounding world.

Traditionally, astrology encompasses various contemporary concepts and employs effective tools and methodologies to deliver accurate predictions in a timely manner. Among the commonly utilized methods are DASA and BUKTHI, based on the moon and its associated star. While these methods yield significant predictions, they may not fully capture the essence of LAGNA or ASCENDANT. Therefore, there is a specific emphasis on enhancing predictive astrology by assigning due importance to the Lagna.

This innovative approach stems from the vision of Dr. S. Pothuvudaimoorthy, who dedicated considerable time and effort to researching and refining this concept to meet the evolving needs of an accurate extrapolative system. Through independent research, Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy has determined the precise speed at which the Lagna travels—covering one Nakshatra Pada in one year, one month, and ten days. Over the course of its journey, the Lagna experiences ten years to traverse one zodiac sign, comprehensively spanning 120 years of an individual's life, akin to the VIMSHOTTARI DASA system.

Dr.S.Pothuvudaimoorthy, Ph.D.

ALP Astrology Inventor

ALP Life Time achivement of commitment, for greater goodness of human society

During a pilgrimage in the Himalayas, Sri Dr. S. Pothuvudaimoorthy found himself serendipitously resting beneath a banyan tree. As he observed the banyan roots swaying gracefully and growing remarkably, a profound realization struck him. This moment served as a catalyst for a paradigm shift, leading to the inception of the modern astrological concept known as "ALP" or Akshaya Lagna Paddhati. The term "Akshaya" signifies growth, mirroring the dynamic nature of the system.

The focus of Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy's inquiry shifted towards the logical progression of the Moon (Manam-Mind-Moon). Inspired by the growing roots, he pondered whether the Lagna could also evolve with time. This introspection led to fundamental questions—why should the Lagna remain static when the Moon progresses? What if the Lagna could progress, and how could this progression be utilized to accurately predict events? The culmination of these contemplations gave rise to the divine creation of "ALP."

In a meditative state, Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy visualized the future, laying the foundation for ALP predictions. With genuine enthusiasm and a blend of scientific principles and traditional astrology, he meticulously researched and developed a reliable formula—ALP, Akshaya Lagna Paddhati. Progressing the Lagna became the key to precise future predictions, intended to benefit not only the followers of "ALP" but also the wider civilized world and the astrological community.

Beyond astrology, Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy possesses expertise in pranic healing, Reiki, Past Life Regression, and caring for individuals. His recognition extends to prime television channels in Tamilnadu, such as Vijay TV, Zee Tamil, Jaya Plus, Vendhar TV, Pudu YugamTV, where he shares his knowledge. Acknowledged for his innovative thinking, dedication, and hard work, he has received awards in the field of astrology, solidifying his impact on the community.

Smt. Arularasi Pothuvudaimoorthy

Co-Founder of ALPAIR Foundation & ALP Institute of Astrology

Woman Behind Mr.Pothuvudaimoorthy

Smt. Arularasi Pothuvudaimoorthy stands as the inspirational force behind the success of Sri. Pothuvudaimoorthy. Armed with educational qualifications in D.T.Ed., M.Sc., and B.Ed., coupled with a profound interest in astrology, she is not only a proficient administrator but also a dedicated teacher. With a passion for nurturing young minds and a talent for creative storytelling, she has devoted herself selflessly to the field of education.

The inception of the ALP Institute of Astrology reflects her deep commitment to education, aligning seamlessly with the vision and mission of the institute's founder. In the early stages of ALP, she served as the unwavering pillar of strength, playing a pivotal role in bringing this innovative concept to a global audience.

Smt. Arularasi made the significant decision to forego her teaching career to focus on steering the ALP movement to greater heights. As head of the administrative team, she takes a lead role in publishing ALP books in multiple languages and provides valuable guidance on advertising and social media matters.Her consistent support, motivation, and guidance have been instrumental in propelling ALP toward success. Smt. Arularasi's perseverance and administrative acumen have been commendable in the development of the ALP system of astrology. Her clear understanding of ideas and dedication to realizing Sri. Moorthy's vision have paved the way for ALP's futuristic path and the effective integration of technology in astrology. Her determination serves as a profound source of inspiration, promising to elevate ALP to the pinnacle of success.

Our Purpose:

Revolutionizing Astrological Consultation

The core mission of ALP Astrology is to empower individuals by offering profound insights into their lives through the fusion of traditional astrological wisdom and contemporary psychological understanding. Our vision is to cultivate a world where every household benefits from the expertise of a proficient ALP astrologer. In this envisioned future, astrology is consulted in an organized and structured manner, becoming an integral part of personal development. We aspire to elevate the wisdom of the stars to a level where it profoundly enhances the lives of individuals, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and their journeys.

Our Vision:

We envision a world where astrology is highly respected and integral part of personal development, self-awareness, and decision-making. Our vision encompasses several key components:

A. One Astrologer per Household: Our goal is to make personalized astrological guidance easily accessible to every household, ensuring that individuals have the opportunity to tap into the wisdom of the stars for navigating life's challenges and opportunities with effectiveness and insight.

B. Structured, Organized & Ethical Consultation: We envision a system where astrology consultations are carried out in an organized and professional manner, fostering trust and reliability among clients. Our team of astrologers will strictly adhere to a code of ethics and best practices, ensuring that each consultation is of the highest quality, providing clients with a trustworthy and meaningful experience.

C. Taking Astrology to the Next Level: We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries and elevating the credibility and effectiveness of astrology by seamlessly integrating it with modern psychology, personal and professional development, and other relevant fields. Our approach involves combining traditional astrological knowledge with contemporary insights, fostering the evolution of astrology to stay relevant in the 21st century and beyond.

D. Accessible Learning: We envision a world where individuals interested in astrology can readily access comprehensive and structured courses designed for both beginners and advanced practitioners. Through the provision of accessible and high-quality education, our goal is to elevate the standards of astrological practice, ensuring that enthusiasts at all levels receive valuable and enriching learning experiences.

E. Global Community: ALP Astrology endeavors to cultivate a global community of astrologers, enthusiasts, and wisdom seekers. Through networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration, our goal is to establish a supportive ecosystem that propels the field forward and brings benefits to all involved. We are committed to supporting ongoing education in astrology, ensuring that our astrologers stay abreast of the latest developments in the field. This dedication to continuous learning is integral to enhancing the quality of our consultations and maintaining a dynamic and evolving astrological community.

F. Empowerment: Our ultimate vision is to empower individuals to make informed choices, embrace their true selves, and lead fulfilling lives. We firmly believe that astrology can serve as a valuable tool for self-awareness and personal growth, and we are steadfast in our commitment to making it accessible to all who seek its guidance. In essence, ALP Astrology's purpose is to empower individuals through the wisdom of astrology. Our overarching vision is to bring astrology into every household, elevate consultation practices to new heights, provide comprehensive education, and foster a global community of ethical and knowledgeable astrologers. We are confident that astrology has the transformative power to contribute to a more enlightened and harmonious future for all.

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Inventor of ALP Astrology

Dr. S. Pothuvudaimoorthy stands as the visionary architect behind the groundbreaking Akshaya Lagna Paddhati (ALP), a revolutionary approach that has reshaped the landscape of astrology. As the fourth generation in a lineage of esteemed astrologers, Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy embarked on his cosmic journey over two decades ago. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an unwavering curiosity, he dedicated his life to unraveling the celestial mysteries that influence our existence.
Driven by the noble goal of achieving consistent predictions for any horoscope, regardless of the astrologer's background, Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy gave birth to the innovative 'Akshaya Lagna Paddhati' method, known as ALP. This method stands as a testament to his pioneering spirit in the realm of astrology.
What sets ALP apart is its remarkable simplicity. Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy, with profound understanding, distilled the vastness of astrology into principles accessible even to novices. ALP serves as a bridge that connects the esoteric art to the comprehension of the layperson. It has left an indelible mark on the world of astrological science, making the complex comprehensible and the mystical tangible. ALP is an extraordinary contribution to the legacy of astrological knowledge, a gift from Dr. Pothuvudaimoorthy to those seeking cosmic enlightenment and a brighter path into the future.

ALP Astrology Software

Astrology comprises of many concepts and uses many tools and methodologies to arrive at predictions. Foremost among them is the Dasa and bukthi based on the moon and the star it occupies. All major predictions are derived from this, but this does not do justice to Lagna or Ascendant. Hence the need to make predictive astrology more complete and more accurate by giving due importance to the lagna.

Mobile APP
100000+ Users
Released on Dec.2, 2019
offered by Dr.S.Pothuvudaimoorthy, Ph.D.

ALP Thirumana Porutham


If you are in the process of seeking a marriage alliance for your child and wondering whether to use an old childhood photo or a recent one, this book is tailored for you.

Marriage: An ancient tradition

Marriage transcends the connection between two individuals and their hearts; it marks the commencement of a lineage that persists for centuries. The significance of seeking a horoscopic match reflects the acknowledgment that marriage is likened to 'a thousand-year crop,' underscoring its profound impact and enduring legacy.

Lost time is never found again:

In the natural world, all creatures instinctively seek their pair at the right time, effortlessly and without external assistance. However, for human beings endowed with six senses, marriage holds a significance beyond mere companionship. It forms the bedrock of family life, serving as the cornerstone of our civilization. Beyond the basic instincts of reproduction and proliferation, marriage is rooted in the noble ideal of lineage.

Marriage, within the context of human society, has evolved into the commencement of a lifelong journey rather than a momentary satisfaction. Recognizing the immense responsibility that comes with this institution, the Akshaya Lagna Paddathi (ALP) methodology is crafted as a tool to accurately reflect the current time period. ALP serves as a guide in navigating the complexities of human relationships within the broader framework of marriage and family life.

Things to note before considering a marriage match

In the ALP methodology, the process of matching horoscopes involves aligning specific aspects. It necessitates a match in the ALP lagna of the prospective bride and groom, as well as a correspondence in the Akshaya rasi and Dasha bukthi of both individuals. The primary objective is to elucidate the fate and karma of an individual based on their horoscope, offering insight to the prospective couple and their parents. This includes explaining any delays in marriage and providing an understanding of the potential life partner based on the individual's horoscope.

The key advantage of this approach is to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their marriage life before entering into the marital bond. By focusing on horoscopic predictions, the ALP methodology aims to steer individuals away from unreasonable expectations that may lead to dismissing favorable matches for trivial reasons. Such dismissals can result in unnecessary delays and, eventually, acceptance of less favorable matches.

To counter this, the Akshaya Lagna Paddathi is committed to guiding individuals in selecting the right match based on their horoscope, preventing avoidable delays and hurdles in the marriage process. The overarching goal of ALP is rooted in a noble ideology, striving to enhance people's lives by providing clarity, assisting in overcoming obstacles, and alleviating sorrows related to marriage concerns.

ALP Events

ALP Astrology Books

In the course of extensive research, the author has pinpointed the precise speed at which the lagna travels—an exact duration of 1 year, 1 month, and 10 days to traverse one nakshatra pada. This progressive movement takes a span of 10 years to traverse a complete zodiac sign, effectively covering a 120-year life span, analogous to the Vimshottari Dasa.

Termed as "ALP" or Akshaya Lagna Paddhati, this concept amalgamates the movements of the moon and lagna, resulting in pinpoint accuracy in astrological predictions. For instance, for an individual born in September 1964 with Mithuna Lagna, the ALP, or moving lagna, transitions to Scorpio in 2019. Utilizing this as a foundation, the positions of planets in the natal horoscope are assessed in relation to the current transit position, enabling predictions of current events.

The author's research extends to various astrology methods, including Prasna Marga, Nimittam (astrology based on omens), Reiki, Pranic healing, and Past Life Therapy. This comprehensive concept of ALP has been encapsulated in the form of a book titled "ALP Method of Astrology."

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get an appointment for Consultations?

A: Please contact ALP Office or near by ALP Astrologer. Appointment can be fixed either for Online or Physical consultation, based on mutual convenience after making necessary payment.

Q: What are the Courses taught?

A: We have Basic & Advanced courses. Basic course is designed for beginners. We recommend starting with the Basic Course before progressing to the Advanced Course for a strong foundation.

Q: Do I need any prior knowledge of astrology to enroll & any age restriction to learn ALP Astrology?

A: No, our courses are designed to accommodate beginners and those with prior astrological knowledge. There is no specific age restriction to learn ALP Astrology

Q: What is the course duration and is it offered in multiple languages?

A: Course duration would normally be 15 to 20 class days. Primary medium is in Tamil and courses are taught in multiple languages as well. Please contact ALP Office to know the schedule of the courses, including their dates and times.

Q: Why should I to learn ALP Astrology rather than consultation?

A: Seeking advice from an astrologer may provide a solution for a specific problem, but acquiring knowledge in ALP astrology offers a broader understanding of the reasons behind life's occurrences and how to proactively address them. It's not just about acquiring knowledge; it's a journey of self-discovery. ALP astrology serves as a guiding light, helping you discern the necessary actions and pitfalls to avoid.

Q: Do you have any books released so far?

A: We have released 6 books so far, in both Tamil & English. They can be ordered through ALP Office or ALP Website or e-Commerce websites like Amazon etc

Q: Do you have any Software to support?

A: We do have 3 different Software packages such as Basic, Advanced & TP – Thirumana Porutham. It is available in Tamil & English as Subscription Packages.