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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get an appointment for Consultations?

A: Please contact ALP Office or near by ALP Astrologer. Appointment can be fixed either for Online or Physical consultation, based on mutual convenience after making necessary payment.

Q: What are the Courses taught?

A: We have Basic & Advanced courses. Basic course is designed for beginners. We recommend starting with the Basic Course before progressing to the Advanced Course for a strong foundation.

Q: Do I need any prior knowledge of astrology to enroll & any age restriction to learn ALP Astrology?

A: No, our courses are designed to accommodate beginners and those with prior astrological knowledge. There is no specific age restriction to learn ALP Astrology

Q: What is the course duration and is it offered in multiple languages?

A: Course duration would normally be 15 to 20 class days. Primary medium is in Tamil and courses are taught in multiple languages as well. Please contact ALP Office to know the schedule of the courses, including their dates and times.

Q: Why should I to learn ALP Astrology rather than consultation?

A: Seeking advice from an astrologer may provide a solution for a specific problem, but acquiring knowledge in ALP astrology offers a broader understanding of the reasons behind life's occurrences and how to proactively address them. It's not just about acquiring knowledge; it's a journey of self-discovery. ALP astrology serves as a guiding light, helping you discern the necessary actions and pitfalls to avoid.

Q: Do you have any books released so far?

A: We have released 7 books so far, in both Tamil & English. They can be ordered through ALP Office or ALP Website or e-Commerce websites like Amazon etc

Q: Do you have any Software to support?

A: We do have 3 different Software packages such as Basic, Advanced & TP – Thirumana Porutham. It is available in Tamil & English as Subscription Packages.

Q: Can I take both courses simultaneously?

A: We recommend starting with the Basic Course before progressing to the Advanced Course for a strong foundation.

Q: Are there any prerequisites?

A: No, our courses are designed to accommodate beginners and those with prior astrological knowledge.

Q : Isn’t it scary to know future events before time using ALP. Why should anyone learn ALP astrology, if they might lose their peace of mind?

A : In our opinion, in this case, ignorance is not bliss. Why do people do master health checkup? Isn't it useful to know, if all is good with one’s health and if in case of any discrepancies in their health, they can immediately take doctor’s help and treat early and save their lives. This is just the same, to know one’s future path and plan life accordingly with preparedness.

Q : Can we get recordings of missed class?

A : No. Since the class is scheduled only for 15 days, it is expected that no one misses any class and take notes only to facilitate their learning process.

Q : Do you have classes at different timings?

A : No.

Q : Are these classes available in other languages?

A : Kindly contact ALP office for further details.

Q : Will we get certificate after completion of ALP basic course?

A : No. Certificates are provided only after completion of ALP Advanced course.

Q : Why is there no certificate after ALP basic course?

A : ALP basic course gives one the wisdom to know and be aware of their situation based on their horoscope but it doesn’t qualify them fully to practice professionally.

Q : Can we practice as an ALP astrologer after completion of ALP advanced course?

A : Yes. You will be a certified practitioner on completion of the ALP Advanced course.

Q : Will there be any examination on completion of course to qualify for certificate?

A : Yes.

Q : Is ALP software essential to be purchased at the time of joining the class?

A : No. Initially the free ALP software can support the understanding. Eventually, software is needed, which can be purchased later along the ALP basic course.

Q : What is the duration of ALP advanced course?

A : Approximately 15 - 20 days.

Q : Is there separate software for ALP Advanced level?

A : Yes. It is available on subscription basis.

Q : Why should I to learn ALP Astrology rather than consultation?

A : Consulting an astrologer for an issue will give solution to that particular issue only but learning ALP astrology helps you understand, why everything happens in life and how to tackle that by taking appropriate measures. It's not just learning, it's all about self-realization. ALP astrology will guide you through what needs to be done and what should be avoided.

Q : Is there any age restriction to learn ALP astrology?

A : There is no specific age restriction to learn ALP Astrology. Anyone who can read, write, speak and understand the language can learn ALP astrology.

Q : How far learning ALP astrology will help a man or woman in their marriage life?

A : It is highly recommended to learn ALP Astrology before getting married because only then they will come to know, how will be their married life according to their horoscope. So that, they will not blame anyone else for whatever happens in their future life. They will get a better understanding of how to proceed in their marriage life.

Q : How ALP Astrology helps in avoiding late marriages?

A : ALP astrology helps in giving a clarity about why late marriages occur. There are many reasons for late marriages. But one major factor in this is lack of realization of the fact lying in their horoscope. This ALP astrology will guide to how to select a perfect life partner according to your own planetary positions.

Q : Getting married even after analysing all the 10 matches in both(bride and bridegroom) horoscopes, but still many marriages fail. How ALP differ in this case?

A : In ALP Marriage matching is seen at least for about 30 years and not for the present year alone. And more over marriage matching should be done for their present lagna. All these are taught in ALP astrology class and anyone can learn and implement in their life and help others too.